
Master Al-Nasser Meets with US IHF Secretary General
Yesterday I had a wonderful meeting in Diamond Bar, CA with the US Secretary General of the International H•K•D Federation (Jaenam Musulwon), Jung Kwang Woong (국제연맹합기회 미국 사무국장 장관웅). I learned a lot about his background, vision and plans for promoting the IHF...
I am pleased to announce that Jung Kwang Woong, USA Secretary General of the International HKD Federation (국제연맹합기회 미국 사무국장 장관웅) and myself are in the early stages of planning a late spring/early summer Hapkido, Hankido and Hankumdo seminar in sunny Southern...
I would like to personally thank Myung Sung Kwang, the President of the International H•K•D Federation (Jaenam Musulwon) for my recent promotion to 6th dan Hapkido (No. 600719) and 4th dan Hankido (No. 24140), and to all of my martial arts brothers and sisters for...

USA Secretary General of the International HKD Federation
I had the pleasure of meeting Jung Kwang Woong, USA Secretary General of the International HKD Federation (국제연맹합기회 미국 사무국장 장관웅) at his school in Hacienda Heights, CA. We discussed future plans for expanding the International HKD Federation, as well as the future...

The 9th Korea Open Hapkido Martial Art Competition
The International Hapkido Federation will be hosting the 9th Korea Open Hapkido Martial Art Competition on December 7, 2019 at the Police Univeersity Gymnasium.

Happy New Year!
Today brings in the new year 2019. The staff at JYK would like to wish everyone good health, happiness, peace, and prosperity for the new year.

Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu Jitsu World Tour 2018-2019
On September 22nd, 2018, Master Al-Nasser will attended the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu Jitsu World Tour 2018-2019, which will be held at the LA Convention Center at the invitation of the UAE Consul General, His Excellency Abdulla Al-Saboosi. Abu Dhabi Grand Slam - Los...

Meeting with Jaenam Musulwon President Myung Sung Kwang
On December 14th, 2017, Master Al-Nasser had the pleasure of meeting with Myung Sung Kwang, President of the International HKD Federation (Jaenam Musul Won) in Seoul, Korea to discuss current and future HKD events.

Appreciation Award
On December 9th, 2017, Master Al-Nasser was presented with a handmade celadon vase on behalf of the Korean branch of the Global Hapkido Association at the 2017 Korea Open Championship in Icheon, Gyeonggi Province, Korea.

Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu Jitsu World Tour 2017-2018
On September 23rd, 2017, Master Al-Nasser attended the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu Jitsu World Tour 2017-2018, at the invitation of the UAE Consul General, His Excellency Abdulla Al-Saboosi. There were 700 athletes representing 42 countries at this prestigious event....