We are currently accepting applications for those who are interested in joining our organization with international association and recognition.
- When a martial arts school joins the HKK, the said school will be officially recognized worldwide as a Hwa Ki Kwan International Training Center Member.
- Member schools will receive official certificate of registration.
- Member schools will be allowed to use the official HKK logo and name with prior written consent.
- Member schools will be allowed to arrange or host seminars for consultation and technical training.
- Member schools have the privilege of inviting President and/or other HKK officials for tour of their school/organization.
- Students of a member school will be allowed to participate in any HKK martial arts demonstrations, championships, and seminars.
- Upon request, member schools will be matched as a sister school with a HKK school for technical, cultural and friendship exchanges.
- Any questions or concerns regarding HKK should be directed to the President and/or other HKK officials.
Types of Certificates Awarded
- Certificate of Dan (Degree)
- Certificate of Gup
- Certificate of Registration
- Letter of Appointment and Award
- Master / Instructor Qualification
- Certificate of Seminar Completion
Types of Membership
-Individual Membership $50
-Certificate of Membership in Hwa Ki Kwan
-Official Hwa Ki Kwan patch
-Introduction to the Hwa Ki Kwan curriculum
-FREE subscription to quarterly newsletter
-Opportunities to participate in future Hwa KI Kwan seminars and/or workshops
-School/Dojang Membership $200 (School/Dojang Owners Only)
-Certificate of Membership in Hwa Ki Kwan
-School/Dojang Certificate
-Official Hwa Ki Kwan patches
-Hwa Ki Kwan t-shirt
-Introduction to the HKK curriculum
-FREE subscription to quarterly newsletter
-Internationally Recognized Black Belt Certification when qualified
-20% discount on future seminars and/or workshops
To join Hwa Ki Kwan you must fill out the registration form provided below.
Rules and Regulations for Hwa Ki Kwan Membership
Article 1 – Purpose
The purpose of this document is to establish an application process for membership and to establish standards of conduct for all HKK members and schools.
Article 2 – Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:
1) Member Organization – This is a school, group, organization, federation, association or any other gathering of martial arts practitioners that are unified and identify themselves as members of the Hwa Ki Kwan International Training Center, and are registered as members with the headquarters of the Hwa Ki Kwan International Training Center.
(A) Example – A group of 10 schools in Canada may comprise an organization known as the Canadian Hapkido Federation. If these 10 schools decide to join and operate under the jurisdiction of the HKK but wish to retain their identity as the Canadian Hapkido Federation, then the Canadian Hapkido Federation would become a Member Organization of the HKK. They may also be given the name of “HKK – Canada”. At this time, HKK rules and regulations shall supersede all established rules and regulations of the Member Organization.
2) HKK Instructor – Any person who operates a facility, school or classroom, the purpose of which is HKD instruction; or any person who instructs any number of students in the martial art of HKD, and who is considered the “head instructor” of that group.
(A) For the purposes of this document, the title of “hapkido instructor” does not apply to students who hold a Dan ranking, but are not considered the “head instructor” of their school or group.
Article 3 – Scope
These regulations shall apply to all persons or groups wishing to establish membership with the HKK.
Article 4 – Eligibility
All schools or groups of schools are eligible to apply for membership with the HKK, including:
1) Member Organizations consisting of two or more HKD schools
2) HKD instructors who operate a private school in an area in which a Member Organization does not exist.
Article 5 – Application Process
Applicants are to fill out the attached application form in its entirety to the best of their ability and return it to HKK Headquarters, along with any applicable fees and additional documentation listed in Appendix A of this document. The application and accompanying materials will be examined by members of the HKK Board of Directors, and a determination will be made whether or not to grant membership. The applicant will be notified of the determination within thirty (30) days from the date that HKK Headquarters receives the application materials.
Article 6 – Required Documents
All persons applying for HKK Membership are to submit the following documentation:
1) For Member Organizations:
(A) One application is to be submitted on behalf of the entire association. On this application, the box labeled “Member Organization” should be checked, and all pertinent information should be filled in. Additional documentation must be submitted in accordance with the directions on the application.
(B) Additionally, one application is to be submitted for each school or group operating under the Member Organization. On these applications, the box labeled “Member Organization Affiliated School” should be checked, and all pertinent information should be filled in.
(C) Each Dan-ranked individual within the Member Organization and its affiliated schools must submit an Application for Dan Certification along with all additional documentation and applicable fees if they wish to have their ranking recognized by the HKK. All rules and regulations for certification must be adhered to as dictated in the document titled “HKK Rules and Regulations for Dan Promotion”.
2) For Independent HKD Instructors & Schools:
(A) One application is to be submitted on behalf of the instructor and their school. On the application, the box labeled “Independent Instructor / School” should be checked, and all pertinent information should be filled in. Additional documentation must be submitted in accordance with the directions on the application.
(B) Each Dan-ranked individual within the independent school must submit an Application for Dan Certification along with all additional documentation and applicable fees if they wish to have their ranking recognized by the HKK. All rules and regulations for certification must be adhered to as dictated in the document titled “HKK Rules and Regulations for Dan Promotion”.
Article 7 – Responsibilities of Hwa Ki Kwan Members
All Member Organizations, schools, instructors, students, members and affiliates of the Hwa Ki Kwan International Training Center shall adhere to the following basic responsibilities:
1) All members shall demonstrate the HKK core values of Respect, Honor, and Unity.
2) All members shall conduct themselves in their professional and community relationships in such a way as to reflect positively upon the HKK and its members.
3) All members shall show respect for martial artists of all styles and affiliation. No member shall ever publicly speak in a contemptuous manner about another martial art style or organization.
4) All members will strive to maintain a compassionate and peaceful demeanor, avoiding the violent use of HKD techniques in confrontation whenever possible. Realizing that HKD exists for the purpose of self-defense, all members shall endeavor to exercise restraint, pledging to utilize HKD techniques only when no other option exists and to disengage from a violent confrontation at the first opportunity.
5) All members shall endeavor to exhibit the highest levels of technical proficiency, responsible care, and wear of the uniform, and respect for the training hall.
Article 8 – Disclaimer
The information contained in this document has been prepared and compiled in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Hwa Ki Kwan International Training Center. The HKK reserves the right to change, amend, rescind or otherwise override the information contained in this document, in whole or in part, at any time. At no time is any HKK Member Organization, HKK HKD Instructor or any other member, representative or individual affiliated with the Hwa Ki Kwan International Training Center permitted to enter into any agreement, contract or arrangement that contradicts the information contained in this document without the express written consent of the President of the Hwa Ki Kwan International Training Center or a designated HKK board member.